M.A.P. Exploration & Mining Logo

Our Mission

Our mission is to leverage technology and innovation to not only find better mining solutions, but to contribute towards the growing effort for true and sustained change – in both our industry and beyond.

Get in Touch

Work Time: 09:00 - 05:00
Saturday and Sunday - CLOSED
Mailing: Address
PO Box 3015, Osoyoos, BC, V0H 1V0
Contact: 1-250-462-8148
[email protected]
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Who We Are

We have been involved in many different facets of the gold mining industry over the past 10 years, starting with our own placer operation, to working for Barkerville Gold Mines (BGM), and subcontracting services to other companies in the historic Klondike and Cariboo region of Canada.

With MAP Exploration & Mining, we wanted to do something entirely different from the standard ‘strip, mine and wash’ model of placer mining. By looking much farther afield to the incredible innovations and advances in technology being made in other industries, our goal is to apply a fresh perspective to placer mining.

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Mapping a new frontier in gold mining

  • Stephen Cash
    October 20, 2016 at 2:15 pm

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    • Samantha Scott
      October 20, 2016 at 2:15 pm

      Has been undergoing tremendous changes to meeteo the demand of users all over to have more access to content. Between phones, tablets, and desktops, accessibility on the web is so easy that website owners need to ensure theye oil accommodate the demand. orem Ipsum is thetonat. Curabitur porta quam sit amet est semper congue.

  • Stephen Cash
    October 20, 2016 at 2:16 pm

    The web design industry has been undergoing tremendous changes to meeteo the demand of users all over to have more access to content. Between phones, tablets, and desktops, accessibility on the web is so easy that website owners need to ensure theye oil accommodate the demand. orem Ipsum is thetonat. Curabitur porta quam sit amet est semper congu.